January 21, 2025

Club Repeaters

The Sullivan Amateur Radio Club operates one VHF analog voice repeater and one VHF digipeater in the greater Sullivan Area.  The voice repeater is on 146.805 and the digipeater is on the APRS frequency of 144.390.  The specifics are listed below:

SARC 2 Meter VHF 

Bridgcome Systems BCR-50V
Callsign:  KC0DBS
Location:  West Sullivan, MO
Frequency:  146.805
Input:  146.205
Tone: 110.9
Emergency Power: Yes
Power Output: 50 watts

Antenna:DB-224E atop the water tower.

 SARC 2 Meter APRS Digipeater

Alias:  KC0DBS-1
Location: Missouri Baptist Hospital, Sullivan, MO
Frequency: 144.390
Emergency Power: Yes