The Sullivan Amateur Radio Club will be sponsoring an exam prep class for prospective new hams wishing to acquire their Technician’s class license. This class will be held on four consecutive Thursday evening sessions, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on May 19th, May 26th, June 2nd and June 9th and will be located in the lower level meeting room at the Sullivan Firehouse #5 on highway AF in Sullivan, MO.
The class will be structured predominantly as a review session for the test material. In other words, it will be expected that the candidates will study and prepare outside of the class. Study materials will be provided electronically ahead of time to each student. The first three evenings of the class will be study and review with the fourth meeting being the actual testing session. The class is free to attend, however the normal testing fee of $15 will be collected the fourth Thursday evening of each candidate tested.
If you have an interest in ham radio and wish to pursue getting a license, this is the class for you. Our team of instructors are experienced hams who love to help people new to the hobby and have a lot to share. You need to sign up in advance for the class so that we can make sure you have what you need to get started. To sign up for the class, please call Bill Higgins at 573-205-0723 or send an email to