Good evening to all:
Prayer list is as follows:
KD0NWW-John’s friend, Rick had tumor removed from his throat and is taking radiation-Please pray for him., also, John reported that Jeff Keesley, that had the brain tumor, we are so so sorry to hear that he has passed away.
Leanna-Still in Hospice.
KB0DOG-Jerry’s wife having hip and knee problems.
KC0JEL-Cathy’s Aunt Donna with Pancreas problems doing much better. Praise the Lord for that report.
KC0JVC-Sandra’s Grandson’s friend-Cancer-Leg amputated-Please keep him in prayer.
KC0QFS-Rick’s friend, Roger-Brain Tumor doing better-Also keep Rick in prayer for his legs.
N0NOE-Bill’s friend, Dee, prayer for making some decisions in her life.
KB0ETI-Leroy-Still problems with one of his eyes, was to see Doctor for what to do next.
KD0JVE-Paul Thacker-Battling Cancer.
Dean, Debbie and families.
Ray, Cory, Autumn, Katie and the Servicemen and Women around the World.
Our Country, Israel, and all the persecuted Christians everywhere.
Thank you everyone, have a safe, blessed rest of the week.
See you next Monday, God willing. N0PAH-Betty
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January 5, 2025